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Updated: Nov 10, 2020

One of my most favorite things to photograph is a couple in love. I’ve had the opportunity to capture some on their wedding day. Others right before they are going to welcome a little one into the world. Even a few on their anniversaries. But I have never before, nor will I probably ever again, have the opportunity to photograph a beautiful couple in love on their 70th wedding anniversary.

No, that was not a typo. Mr. and Mrs. Crase have been married for 70 years. That’s seven-zero, people. Seven decades. They have been married longer than my grandfather has even been alive. Let’s all let that soak in.

The evening started off with the happy couple greeting each guest as they were photographed with them. This allowed me many opportunities to speak with the guests of honor.

"They said it would never last," Irene told me as she smiled at Willard.

"Through the good and bad. The ups and downs. The highs and lows. It's that love," Willard held his fist over his heart, "That love deep inside for the other person. That's what will get you through."

And it's that same love for each other that gathered a hundred or so of the Crases' dearest friends and family in a night of celebration. Children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren sat down around the two lovebirds for a night full of love and memories at the beautifully decorated Grand in New Albany, Indiana. Everyone enjoyed a yummy meal, delicious cake, heartfelt speeches, and good company in honor of the lovely couple.

The night ended as both Irene and Willard thanked God for each other and the life they've had together.

Willard told me that they just wanted to be a good example for young couples. They wanted to prove to them that, "you can do it."

Josh and I may have another 66 years to go before we reach our 70th wedding anniversary, but as the years go on, I'll remember the words of Mr. & Mrs. Crase. I'll remember the way he looked at her after all of these years (see image below). I'll remember the testimony and the Godly example that they are. And I'll remember to thank God, once more, for my own love story.

Congratulations, Bro. & Sis. Crase! May God bless you with many more years of wedded bliss!

In Christian love,

Maggie Turner

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