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Looking at these images gives me the warm-fuzzies. Is there anything more precious than good old-fashioned family time? Life is so busy and before you know it, the days become months and the weeks become years. Nobody has ever looked back and said, "Man, I wish I had spent a little less quality time with the people I love."

If you agree with the above statements, then allow me to provide some inspiration in the form of the Hannon family. Gathering from several different locations up north, this bunch found themselves in my neck of the woods for the weekend to celebrate. Coming from a girl who's entire family is within a 10-minute drive, the fact that they were able to all get together and dress up for pictures is enough to celebrate in itself.

From Mimi and Papaw all the way down to the Iittlest Hannon, this bunch was a blast. Their personalities are so diverse, but the way they all mesh together to form one big ball of love was so fun to watch! Not to mention the incredible, natural water-color painting they had as a backdrop. Every part was perfection and I'm happy to have gotten to crash their party for a little bit.

Keep celebrating, you lovely Hannons!



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