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My oldest little sister turned 16! Which is absolutely nuts and makes me really sad if I think about it too long, so we’ll just get right into the session:

Lu and her friends gathered for a couple of sessions to mark the occasion, and ironically, I’m posting this on Monse’s 16th birthday! Although I hardly even understand anything they’re saying anymore (millennial  problems), I sure do enjoy hanging out with these goobers. They were my babies. I used to take them to pumpkin patches and museums. They were my kids before I had kids and now they babysit my kids. Time may be a thief, but it has also been rather generous in the memories it’s given me.

On a less sentimental note, I am not a sports photographer. BUT I will give it my best go for my siblings. I ain’t half mad about how they turned out!

I chose my favorite image of Lu to start. While I was editing it, Josh said that she looked like me and that made me super happy because it’s STUNNING- hair flip and all. She’s giggly, but serious. Gorgeous, but reserved. And now she’s 16!

Happy birthday, Lu and Monse!



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