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I once heard a photographer say that their least favorite thing to shoot is weddings.



Weddings are by far and without a doubt the ultimate goal for a photographer. In my opinion, anyway.

I get to photograph couples, families, babies, live events, behind the scenes, candids and details. It’s basically every type of session all wrapped up into one marathon of a day. And every time my aching feet drive home, I look over at the SD cards snuggled safely in my front seat, and I feel so blessed to have witnessed another couple vow their lives to each other before God.

As amazing as it is to capture every first look, tiny detail, tearful eye, and gorgeous dress, as I was sorting through my images at 1:00 am on Friday night/Saturday morning, I finally decided what my absolute very most favorite part of a wedding is to shoot:

The couples dance.

No, not the couple’s first dance (although this one was pretty adorable). I mean when the DJ asks all the married couples to take to the dance floor and one by one we get to celebrate the marriages of the family and friends of the bride and groom as the DJ rattles off higher and higher numbers.

Obviously, the bride and groom are the first to sit down, and I love it. Not because I don’t want to photograph them because let’s be honest, Mandi and Trent looked like a real life Cinderella and Prince Charming, but because they get to watch from the sidelines as the couples that have set examples for their marriage have a special moment during their big day. As I walked around, throwing my flash in the faces of their guests, I had literal tears in my eyes, and I knew Mr. and Mrs. Bontrager had no shortage of beautiful examples.

Friends, cousins, aunts and uncles, the groom’s brothers and sisters-in-law, and both sets of this couple's parents made googly eyes at the love of their lives after watching Mandi and Trent declare that they were each other’s. I think the most important thing they taught the newlyweds is to be best friends first. Any time I’ve seen Mandi and Trent together, they’re laughing. Even at the alter these two were cracking jokes! I heard one guest say she had never laughed so much during a ceremony.

Yes, these two were so incredibly fun to shoot because they have nothing but a good time together. Which in turn means everyone around them has a good time too. In fact, Mandi was pretty much the opposite of a bridezilla. Always laid back, never ruffled when something went not quite as planned, and even offering to help those around her on her wedding day! And Trent, God love him, could’ve flown away with all of the butterflies built up in his stomach as he waited to see his bride. To say their first look was magical isn’t quite enough. And to say that each time Trent looked at Mandi for the rest of the night was equally as magical gives me butterflies. A couple in love- I love to see it!

Bontragers, it was an absolutely perfect day. The kind of day when you walk around and can’t help but feel God’s blessings and I feel so blessed to have just been able to witness it. Let alone document it. Every detail, every moment, every minute was so special and I know that those blessings will continue past your wedding day.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Have the best time ever in Jamaica!



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