I have been dreaming of the day that I could make this post. One because I wanted to meet my baby girl, but also because I despise being pregnant. I'm happy for all of those moms who have great pregnancy experiences, but it just ain't me. I was miserable and uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep or bend over or play with Landon. So I opted to be induced on July 1 at 39 weeks, and let me tell ya, I haven't been so excited for a day to come in a very long time.
We woke up at 3:15 a.m., grabbed all of the bags, kissed our boy, and headed out the door to get to the hospital at 4:30 a.m. I started IVs around 6:00 a.m. and my water was broken at 8:30 a.m. Thankfully, unlike with Landon, we didn't have to wait an entire 24 hours to meet our baby. Miss Evelyn took her first breath at 1:13 p.m. after a bit of a scare. I wasn't really aware of what was happening, but I've been told that her heart rate started to fluctuate, then drop. When it hit the 40's, I heard the OB say, "We've got to get her out." I so appreciate her quick and calm decision making to do what was best for my baby. She was able to unravel the cord from around Evelyn's neck and shoulder and she was perfectly fine after that. In fact, she continues to be perfect eight days later. We thank the Lord for protecting our baby before she was even born.
We're all so in love, especially Landon. He loves to cuddle her and smell her head. He'll look at her and say, "Awww. It's my baby. My baby sister. My Bobby Bob. My Evelyn Claire. Isn't she cute?" Bobby Bob was our nickname for her when she was still in my belly, and I have a feeling it'll stick. She's everything we ever dreamt and so much more. She's such a good baby, day and night, and she fits into our family like a perfect, little puzzle piece.