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Updated: Nov 10, 2020

If you didn't know already, we call our sweet baby "Tater". Around week 10 of the pregnancy, one of my apps said that our little miracle was the same size as a tater tot! The rest is history.

To think that our little Tater has grown from the size of a tot into the size of, well, a baby! is still mind-blowing. The weeks are flying by and my massive to-do list is slowly dwindling. This week, I happily crossed off "Finish the Nursery". We're ready for you, Tater!

Because we don't know if we're having a Tater Tot (boy) or a Sweet Tater (girl), we were tasked with the challenge of creating a nursery fit for either. My love for neutral colors and vintage decor made this task a little more manageable. It wasn't difficult to decide on a theme either! After the trip of an absolute lifetime last summer, Josh and I had a few memorabilia and photographs that we wanted to show off. We combined inspiration from our European tour with my love of photography, and just like that, Tater's gray, travel-themed nursery was created.

The first thing we wanted to buy for the room was a beautiful set of floating shelves. Mom and Roger purchased them from Amazon for us for Christmas. This was the perfect way to show off all of our little trinkets. While we were in London, Big Ben was under construction. So our sweet friends in London gifted us with our very own "little" Big Ben to take home! Aunt Hope found the adorable Paris box, and the "Little Book for Mom's" is from Aunt Deb (a fellow old soul). Josh's co-worker, Krista, surprised us with the homemade frame. Add a few vintage cameras that Aunt Hannah snagged at a yard sale, and these floating shelves are complete! I can hardly wait to fill the albums and frames with pictures of our little family!

The rest of the decor seemed to fall in our laps. Our second Momma, Carmen, found the metal Eiffel Tower at a yard sale. The beautiful map blanket was a gift from Mammy (Melissa) and Papaw Jim. And while we were shopping for water softener salt, the most perfect clock caught our eye at Sam's Club. I framed some images I took while in Paris and London, bought a simple white crib and changing table, and Tada! we have a nursery.

I absolutely love being able to look at these pieces and remind myself of the special times we had as a family of two. God has truly blessed our marriage. We've been privileged to do some amazing things together in the last few years. But now I'm able to mix those memories with some sweet books, blankets, and stuffed animals and that makes me even more excited for our greatest adventure yet!

We'll be seeing you very soon, Tater!

Crib: Amazon

Changing table: Amazon

Rocker/Recliner: Big Lots

Side Table: Amazon

Floating Shelves: Amazon

Map Blanket: Amazon

Clock: Sam's Club

Book Holder: Amazon

Toy Basket: Amazon

Stuffed Elephant: Amazon

Rug: Amazon

Stuffed Bunny: Amazon

Stuffed Hedgehog: Amazon

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