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One of the best moments of my life was feeling my baby boy on my chest for the first time. Even though we chose to wait until he entered the world to find out if he was our son or daughter, I was not the least bit surprised when my doctor held him up and told us he was a boy. I knew from the beginning. Josh and I both had several dreams about a little, blonde-headed boy. It was just something I felt in my heart.

This time: I was clueless. I had no gut feeling. No dreams. No intuition. I changed my mind almost daily. Maybe that's why it was a bit easier for us to want to find out this time. So when we went to our anatomy scan 6 weeks ago, we asked the ultrasound tech to write it down for us. I gave the envelope to my friend Hannah who went and purchased the correct color of confetti, and Josh and I found out what Baby T #2 is at the exact same time as our friends and family.

If y'all know me, then you know I'm not a colorful person. So when planning an April Showers-themed gender reveal, I chose to stay away from pink and blue decor. I wanted the only sprinkle of color to come from the big reveal itself. So instead, my uh-mazing family helped me set up the black, white, and gold party of my dreams. Baby T's Granny, Mammy, Nana, and Aunt Hope helped me make a ton of yummy treats while the Grandpas handled the heavy lifting and balloon-inflating. To pass the time, we had our guests paint a portrait of us as a family of four, and I am elated at myself for making them. We got some of the sweetest results from artist ranging from 2 years old to 76! So into a scrapbook they all go for Baby T to cherish years down the road.

Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate. Thanks to Baby T's aunts and uncles for helping make the reveal perfect. We truly have the biggest and best support system in the world. So many of you helped stay and clean up while I took a few too many breaks because, well, pregnancy. We are blessed beyond belief and we're so excited to welcome the fourth member of our family into the world.

(also thanks to so many of you for bringing Landon a big brother dinosaur prize- he's loving his new role so far)


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